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LiveTrak: What Does It Do?
While developing the Livetrak system we have been concious not to over complicate the site while still keeping upto date with customers increasing requirements.
Livetrak now offer a comprehensive product which competes with any system on the market with our latest release including Live traffic camera feeds and incident data for London, nationwide live traffic data aswell as driver behaviour reporting.
- Unlimited users (Access from any PC)
- Bing Virtual Earth mapping - [
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- 30 seconds updates
- Journey snail trail - [
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- Driver behaviour - tracks harsh braking, acceleration and cornering - [
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- Nearest vehicle search - [
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- Two way text messaging to drivers phone - [
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- Vehicle Idling alert
- Live traffic data with live Transport for London Camera display - [
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- Automatic scheduled email reports deliver weekly or daily - [
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- iPhone app *coming soon
- Custom system developments also available